Thursday, October 21, 2010

Karin Jurick: Painting A Day Pioneer

"Left Holding the Bag" ~ Karin Jurick
I've been following Karin and painting along with Karin on her "Painting A Day" blog.  Karin is one of the pioneer's of the "Painting a Day" concept and I believe that combined with the fact that she produces beautifully depicted scenes rendered in a wide spectrum of colors are what makes her pieces so highly collectable and sought after.  She mostly creates smaller pieces such as her current series of faces, appropriately entitled "100 Faces" which are all 6" x 6" in size.  Karin has a few videos on YouTube that you can watch by clicking here so you can see how she works and view the video that describes her paletter (or pizza pan in Karin's case).

Please visit her web site at: and take a look.  Her paintings are available for reasonables prices in the range of $300-$500 and considering that I believe that these will at some point be considered collectible and will only go up in value then you might be able to get yourself a nice piece of art and an investment.

You can also visit Karin's Painting A Day Blog and although she put the "Weekly Challenge" project on the back-burner to focus on her painting and gallery representation (isn't that postion we all aspire to be in?) you can still visit her "Differenet Strokes from Different Folks" blog and take on her previous challenges.

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