Saturday, October 16, 2010

Courtroom Sketch Artist

A co-worker asked me last week why you don't hear about courtroom reporters that much any longer. I replied that because the courts allow cameras in the courtroom for almost all of the trials now so it's another job that's been lost in the progress of technology.

I did some research and was surprised to learn that the good artists could get as much as $10,000 per sketch and also get expenses paid for as well for some assignments.

Gary Myrick was a sketch artist for over 30 years and was in high demand for a lot of assignments and covered major cases in his career.

Check out his web site:

Unless prohibitied by a judge for specific cases, courtroom artists are allowed into any courtroom.  Courtroom sketching is a great way to practice your sketching skills and it's free.  You can practice doing quick sketches of the courtroom.  You can sketch witnesses in the witness stand, the judge, and the jurors who stand still for good periods of time during the trial.  Bring some business cards and hand them out if anyone inquires about your work.  It's almost a sure bet that someone will be looking over your shoulder at some point so hand them a card.  Marketing never sleeps!

If you hear about a closed courtroom case where cameras are not allowed then who knows, you may be able to sell you sketches to a news station and make some money in the process.

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