Monday, September 14, 2009

Honored my commitment to myself to paint

Today I followed through on my commitment to myself to paint daily by waking up at 4:30 am and I painted until 6:30 am. I scared the hell out of my wife who came home from the gym and thought a pipe had burst because the lights were on in the basement.

I really have to get the basement converted over soon because setting up an easel in the middle of dirty and clean laundry, old paint buckets and leaning lumber is not very inspirational. I posted our elliptical machine for sale on Craigslist yesterday so hopefully we can sell that and gain some room back. This will also make converting the basement into a family room/art studio a little easier.

I'm going to post before and after photos of room on this blog as well as the progress I'm making. Hopefully this project will inspire other artists and would-be artists to do the same by creating a working space of their own to create art in. We have an extremely small house and extra space is non-existent. We have two children and live in a 650 sq foot house just to give you an idea of how small we're talking. Purchasing a 10' x 16' shed has also been discussed for a possible studio as well and I haven't ruled that out yet either. I suppose if I can generate the $4,000 to buy the shed using sales from my artwork then that might solve the space issue, but until then I have to stick with plan A.

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