Thursday, April 25, 2013

Received Scholarship for Landscape Workshop

I really excited I received a scholarship for a 3-day Landscape Workshop with Andrew Orr.  I met Andrew at the awards ceremony at the The Boston Guild of Artists back on October 2012. Andrew won the Robert Douglas Hunter award that night.  I had a chance to chat with him for a bit and I asked if he had any workshops that he was planning so he gave me his card and told me to check his website because he did in fact have a few planned for 2013.  We stayed in touch and emailed back and forth and he mentioned that I could apply for a scholarship that would cover the entire $300 workshop cost and turns out that I was lucky enough to be chosen to receive it from the Southern Vermont Arts Center.  Thank you so much to them, please check out their website for more great workshops at:

Andrew Orr "Quiet Side of the Lake" 16" x 24" (Oil on Panel)